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Hanbali Disciples
John Starling
1 min read
Prohibition of Trade Begins with the Adhan
Q: When does the prohibition of trade during Friday prayer begin and end? A: The prohibition begins with the second adhan (delivered from...
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John Starling
1 min read
Commerce During Jumu’ah Prayer
Q: What is the ruling of buying and selling during Friday prayer? A: It is prohibited to buy and sell during Friday prayer. This...
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John Starling
1 min read
Zakat on Personal Property
Q: Do I have to pay zakat on personal property I intend to sell? A: As a general rule, zakat is not due on personal property. If you...
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John Starling
1 min read
Buying a home.
Q: Salaam Shaykh. What is your opinion on buying a home with a mortgage? There is an opinion in the Hanafi fiqh that allows this but I...
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