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Eclipse Prayer

Q: Astronomers are saying there will be an eclipse in my area. Please share some important rulings regarding the eclipse prayer.

A: According to our legal code, an eclipse occurs when the light of either the sun or moon partially or entirely disappears. It is during this time that prayer is highly recommended (sunnah mu’akkadah) for both resident and traveler alike.

The Prophet (salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam) said, “The sun and the moon are signs of Allah, they are not eclipsed due to the death or life of anyone. If you see it (an eclipse), then pray” (muttafaqun alayhi).

The prayer begins when the eclipse begins, based on what the eye can see and not what the calculations predict, and ends when the light of either the sun or moon completely returns.

The prayer is best performed in a manner similar to a two rak’ah prayer with an additional qiyam (standing) and ruku (bowing) in each rak’ah. It is permissible, however, to pray it in any manner which has been reported.

The recitations are recommended to be long as well as the tasbih in both the bowing and prostrating positions.

It is recommended to pray the eclipse prayer in congregation in a masjid which performs Friday prayer. It can however be prayed anywhere as well as individually.

If a solar eclipse occurs in a prohibited time, the prayer is not performed. Instead supplication should be made.

It is also recommended to remember Allah, make dua, seek Allah’s forgiveness, extol Allah saying “Allahu Akbar”, give charity, manumit bondservants, and to do whatever will draw one near to Allah.

The Prophet (salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam) said, “If you see it (an eclipse), supplicate to Allah, extol Him, pray, and give sadaqah” (muttafaqun alayhi).

It is recommended to make a ghusl in preparation for the prayer.

There is no associated khutbah with the eclipse prayer.

If the prayer is missed, it is not to be made up.

If the prayer is concluded and the eclipse is not over, a second prayer is not performed. Instead, supplication, remembrance of Allah, and seeking His forgiveness should be made until it concludes.

For a brief video description of the prayer and associated rulings, CLICK HERE.

For a longer video description of the prayer and associated rulings, CLICK HERE.

Source: Kashshaf al-Qina’, Sharh Muntaha al-Iradat, al-Furu.

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